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800+ Safety Docs

Immediate Access!!!

In Safety, Speed Matters. Be Fast, Be Prepared.

We are committed to support HSE Risk Management industry professionals and corporations by providing resourceful and effective documents and programs in several formats
that will inspire creative thinking for internal HSE programs.

800+ Safety Documents

Rebrandable Safety Docs that you can claim full authorship. These documents are 100% editable as your own documents!

Re-brandable and Re-sellable

These products can be edited by you (the reseller) and changed to include your name as the author/creator if you choose.

3rd Party Verification Services

Whether you need initial compliance assistance or ongoing management for new customer requirements we get you approved quickly.

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Steps to Create and Edit Documents with DocEditPro

**No Purchase necessary when you Purchase the Complete Package from Premium Safety Docs

Premium Safety Docs Powered by DocEditPro

Exclusive for Premium Safety Docs customers!

Premium Safety Docs - DocEditPro

Premium Safety Docs powered “DocEditPro”

Exclusive for Premium Safety Docs customers!

DocEditPro is a WYSIWYG Editor with the ability to edit text content and re-brand multiple documents with YOUR logo and contact information, and save in several formats.

DocEditPro is a game-changer… add Company Logo and Addresses to multiple documents amazingly fast. Just select the documents fro mthe dropdown menu, fill in the DocEditPro form with your Logo, Business name and Address and hit “Submit”! Yes…It’s that easy!