
Safety Manual Chapters

Safety Manual Chapters

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Safety Manual Chapters

Oil and gas industry workers engage in many activities that may expose them to serious hazards, such as falling from towers, unguarded machinery, being struck by heavy equipment, electrocutions, and silica dust.

Oil and Gas Safety Manuals are designed to help you, whether you are an employer or employee, to identify, reduce, and eliminate oil and gas-related hazards.

  • Accident Investigation

  • Accident Prevention Plan

  • Accident Reporting

  • Aerial & Scissors Lift Safety Program

  • Air Contaminant Safety
  • SOP: Ammonia System Process

  • Asbestos Safety Program

  • Back Safety Program

  • Bloodborne Pathogen Program

  • Boiler Safety Program

  • Compressed Air Safety Program

  • Compressed Gas Cylinders

  • Compressed Gas Safety

  • Concrete Mixing & Placement

  • Confined Space Program – Part 1

  • Confined Space Program – Part 2

  • Construction Fall Protection

  • Construction Site Employee

  • Contractor Safety Program

  • Crane & Hoist Safety

  • Critical Lift Program

  • Defensive Driving Policy

  • Demolition Safety Program

  • Drug-Free Workplace Program

  • Dry Ice Safety Program

  • Electrical Safety Program

  • Employee Access to Medical Records

  • Excavation & Trenching

  • Fall Prevention Program

  • Fall Protection Program for Construction

  • Fall Protection Work Pla1


  • Fire Prevention Plan

  • Fire Prevention Program

  • Flammable Liquids

  • Fleet Safety Program

  • Forklift

  • Formaldehyde Safety Program

  • General Health and Safety Policies

  • General Safety Rule1

  • General Safety Rules

  • Hazard Communication

  • Hazardous Material Transportation Security Plan

  • Hearing Conservation

  • Heat Stress Prevention

  • High

  • Hot Work Safety Procedures

  • Housekeeping

  • Job Safety Analysis

  • Laboratory Chemical Safety

  • Ladder Safety Program

  • Laser Safety Program

  • Lead Safety Program

  • Lockout Tagout

  • Machine Safety

  • Management of Unsafe Conditions

  • Metalworking Fluids

  • Non

  • Occupational Health

  • Office Safety

  • Passenger Vehicle Use Policy

  • Personal Protective Equipment

  • Powered Cards

  • Respiratory Protection

  • Return to Work Progra1

  • Return to Work Program

  • Safety Audits

  • Safety Committee Policy

  • Safety Committee

  • Safety Harness Inspection Program

  • Safety Training

  • Sling Safety Program

  • Tool Safety Program

  • Universal Waste Program

  • Violence Prevention Program